
Showing posts from 2015

What is CEST?

Founded in 2012, the " Civil Engineering Students’ Technical Club" (CEST) is a new club started in NIT Rourkela. The club a ims to provide a platform for the students to think, reflect and wonder about the phenomena involved in civil engineering. Most students generally lose their interest in engineering and focus on grades during their studies. This Club desires to reinforce the knowledge and excitement they attained in their classes through interesting activities. The students would expose themselves to different areas of civil engineering and also engage in teamwork learning and helping others. The club also contributes its ideas to the students and organizes many events in the institute, which includes both live and online events. Unlike other clubs, this club produces a whole separate constitution for its club members. The rules and regulations mentioned in the constitution are strictly abided by the members. The Constitution aims at establishing standard procedures and