
Showing posts from September, 2021

Antimicrobial Concrete

Antimicrobial Concrete -By Biswajeet Majhi 1. INTRODUCTION Concrete is the most widely used construction material for various infrastructures worldwide. However, concrete structures in specific aggressive environments, such as sewer systems, marine engineering, buildings are exposed to high humidity and they quickly suffer from microbial attachment, colonization, eventually, deterioration.  For example, the most typical problem reinforced concrete structures face in sewer systems is microbial-induced corrosion, which is still commonly referred to as a sulfide (H2S) gas problem. The process is initiated when sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) convert sulfate into hydrogen sulfide gas under anaerobic conditions, which is converted into corrosive sulfuric acid by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) of the genus Thiobacillus.   2. How does it help?   In recent years, with the rapid development of nanotechnology, some researchers have tried to introduce some nanoparticles into concrete to inhibit

The Venice Tide Barrier System - MOSE Project

Introduction: The city Venice located on the east coast of Italy, is a world-famous tourist spot. It was hit by several floods and massive waves from the Adriatic Sea in the past few decades. Many experts claim that the water level in the sea is rising day by day. In 1966, it became a significant concern as the tides rose to an enormous height of more than 7 feet above the seawater level. This project consists of 78 gigantic steel panels across the three inlets that allow water to surge from the Adriatic Sea into the Venice lagoon. The MOSE System: The Venice city lagoon has three main water inlets at Malamocco, Chioggia, and Lido. To protect the city from flooding, the government planned to temporarily close these three water inlets. In 2003, the approval for MOSE, an Italian acronym for Experimental Electromechanical Module, was passed to construct an artificial barrier that would protect the city from any future floods. Its fundamental idea was to engage a series of oscillating infl