Intro: - 

An Advanced Underground Subway is essentially a facility that connects many busy places via a common route. It carries several small shops that can be used for industrial functions on both facets of the walkway. It additionally has an underground automobile parking facility which enables the people for better management of vehicles.

 Inspiration: - 

The proposal of Subway is in tune with the requirements of sustainability, it promotes tightly closed pedestrian movement and because of this circuitously promotes walkability in a city. It represents social fairness and makes street crossing invulnerable for college kids and senior citizens. This makes our life easy and travels safer.

Benefits: -

1. It connects some of the busiest places within a region by decreasing the extent of pedestrian visitors above the floor.

2. This decreases the want for Traffic signals in the areas lying above the subway as the bulk of the pedestrian traffic uses the Subways for commuting to exceptional places.

3. It reduces road accidents by avoiding the intermixing of vehicular traffic and pedestrians.

4. It gives some extra space as commercial spaces that can be utilized beneath the ground.

5. This helps in fixing Vehicle parking issues encountered in congested areas of a growing town.

Last words: -

 Advanced Underground Subway facility allows ease of motion of Pedestrian traffic as properly as Vehicular traffic. The enterprise region proposed inner the Subway facility attracts human beings to use it more, which eliminates the battle of Pedestrians with Traffic. The project additionally ensures an extraordinary way of using open areas for parking which also improves circulation.

                                                                                             WRITTEN BY - Pradeep Kumar Behera


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